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#FoossaFinds - 1 August 2014

#FoossaFinds curates insightful readings, awesome events, #SpiritAnimals, and other inspiration. Look for it weekly.


The Relationship Between Creativity and Mental Illness
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings
The science behind the "tortured genius" myth and what it reveals about how the creative mind actually works.

What Fonts Tell Us About the Global Economics of the Internet
Nikhil Sonnad, Quartz
Everybody Kerns.

Black Homeowners Are Worse Off Today Than They Were 40 Years Ago
Kriston Capps, Atlantic City Lab
A new study finds that African Americans are dramatically more likely to transition back to renter status than whites.

How to Build a Feminist Workplace
Elizabeth Segran, Fast Company
Companies need to "lean in" towards the needs of women.


Feijoada, Friends, and Fundraising Party
Saturday, 2 August 2014, 8-11:30 PM, New York Capoeira Center, 107 Suffolk Street #307, New York, NY 10002
Sample feijoada, the national dish of Brazil. Enjoy an evening of capoeira, Afro-Brazilian-Drumming, and music by DJ Gaudhi. And support the work of a community non-profit brining achievement, leadership, and respect to local youth. Admission (includes food): $20.

TEDxGramercy | Grit 
Saturday, 27 September 2014, 4-8 PM, Mason Hall, Baruch college, 17 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10010
Get early-bird tickets and suggest speakers.



Dive-bombing monkeys beat the summer heat!

Lion, tiger, bear are best friends at Georgia exotic animal sanctuary

Tumblr: Confused Cats Against Feminism