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Join Foossa's David Colby Reed at Parson's Design Intelligence Conference on April 1 for a workshop on Redefining Borders.

Borders keep others out, and, in so doing, they also establish a perimeter that fortifies notions of self and "us." If the erection of borders is a proclamation of identity, voluntary passage across borders implies a desire to change oneself. How can we view “citizenship” in this light? Citizenship is a legal designation, but it's also a marker of civic identity and inclusion. What types of civic capabilities does border-crossing imply? How must we rethink the artifacts, interactions, and responsibilities of citizenship to enable more porous borders?

The fourth annual Design Intelligence Conference will be held on April 1, 2017 at Parsons the New School of Design. Hosted by the MS Strategic Design and Management department, the conference will feature panel discussion, keynote, skill-based workshops and networking opportunities for students, innovators and the design community.

This year’s conference is inspired by the radical, political and social changes around the world, we will focus on exploring the role of designers as change agents, of how design can inform, inspire and empower.