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DoTank NYC

The Do Tank is a 6-weeks action-oriented design thinking course from June 1 - July 20 in NYC, tied to a challenge to translate learnings into local impact. As a partnership by MILES, Foossa, NYU Design for America, and Hack Manhattan the Do Tank cultivates a group of people with varied skillsets to work together on a real-world issue, from collaborative ideation to collaborative creation.

This 6-weekend program for young professionals and graduate students is facilitated by experts from Foossa, IDEO, Parsons School of Design, NYU Design for America, miLES and more.

For 2017, the theme of the Do Tank is “How might we design the future of storefronts & urban streetscapes?”

Our summer session from June 1 to mid July is opening for applications till May 8. Need-based Scholarships are available.

Learn more and apply today.