Luisa Covaria - "Gucamaya"

Luisa is an interaction designer, animator and filmmaker.  Her work focuses on creating interactive storytelling experiences that span across mobile, online and physical platforms. She is particularly interested in creating conversational spaces that allow for audience participation through multimedia content sharing. She has worked with various NGO’s and boutique agencies designing user experience and advising clients on digital strategy. 

Previously, she has worked in Colombia, China, India and New York leading participatory video projects with youth in marginalized communities and producing her own documentaries. Her films and installations have been exhibited in the U.S, Korea, India, China and Colombia. Luisa is a United World College graduate, holds a BA from Middlebury College and an MPS from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU. Her work on digital media and social entrepreneurship won her a Davis scholarship in 2005 and a Reynolds Fellowship in 2011. 

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