Made in the Lower East Side

Opening underused storefronts to new possibilities

Photo by Vivienne Gucwa.

Photo by Vivienne Gucwa.

miLES the Storefront Transformer, a mascot we designed to illustrate Made in the Lower East Side's system for converting a single store into a multi-use space.

miLES the Storefront Transformer, a mascot we designed to illustrate Made in the Lower East Side's system for converting a single store into a multi-use space.

We are co-authors of the MiLES #PopUpManifesto.

We are co-authors of the MiLES #PopUpManifesto.

MiLES (Made in the Lower East Side) is a community-centered initiative that "works with residents, artists, businesses and landlords in the Lower East Side of Manhattan to identify, program and fill underused spaces and turn them into vibrant community hubs for working, learning, connecting, and starting up new projects." We were featured in Fast Company and received the 2012 One Prize.

Foossa's Lee-Sean Huang and David Colby Reed are members of the miLES team and serve as a creative and strategic advisor to the organization. We have worked on the project's branding, communications strategy, user engagement, and partnerships. Lee-Sean also supervised a student team from the School of Visual Arts MFA Design for Social Innovation in their work with miLES researching and documenting the needs of the Lower East Side community.