#FoossaFinds - 13 August 2014

#FoossaFinds curates insightful readings, awesome events, #SpiritAnimals, and other inspiration. Look for it weekly. Reposted from Foossa.com/blog.


Who's Getting Rich Off Profit-Driven 'Clicktivism'
Nithin Coca, Motherboard
Follow the money behind the clicks.

The Economics of Jane Austen
Shannon Chamberlain, The Atlantic
In her fiction, the 18th-century novelist wrestled with the same question that preoccupied Adam Smith: Does the pursuit of wealth diminish a person's moral integrity?

Why Startup Urbanism Will Fail Us
Leo Hollis, Shareable
"The city is not a company; community is not a brand; citizenship cannot be mistaken for consumption."

Artists' brains are structurally different, study finds
Lindsay Van Thoen, Freelancers Union
"A study published last week in the journal NeuroImage confirms that artists do indeed have different brains -- and regular art practice can permanently change our brain structures."


Be Social Change Class: #DesignThyself - Applying Design Principles to Personal Growth
Monday, September 15, 2014, 6:45-8:30 PM, Centre For Social Innovation, 601 W 26th Street, Suite 325, New York, NY 10001
Are you interested in learning about design principles to affect change in the world? Why not start with yourself? #DesignThyself brings design thinking and design doing to a personal level. Learn how to use design as a tool for changing your own creative habits and behavior. Learn how to use design principles and methodology to cultivate a new creative habit and to make an intentional and proactive change in your life. We will draw from the fields of interaction design, activism for social/cultural change, as well as cognitive psychology. This class is based on material previously offered at the School of Visual Arts MFA Design for Social Innovation and on Skillshare.com. Register today.

TEDxGramercy | Grit 
Saturday, 27 September 2014, 4-8 PM, Mason Hall, Baruch college, 17 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10010
Get early-bird tickets and suggest speakers.


Wikipedia refuses to delete photo as 'monkey owns it'

World's oldest eel dies in Sweden

Energy Duck could generate solar power in Copenhagen