Learn Design Thinking Innovation at Cornell

Do You Want to Learn a New Way to Innovate?

Do You Want to Get to Know Your Customers Better?

Foossa's Lee-Sean Huang will be a facilitator and mentor at this 2-day Design Thinking intensive executive education course at Cornell NYC, May 7-8. Join us!

Learn to be a Design Thinker at Cornell. Design Thinking, is the practice pioneered by top innovation firm IDEO, taught at Stanford University and used by some of the worlds’ most innovative companies. Cornell Executive Business Education has built upon this design and added an increased element of applicability to your everyday business life as well as an element of how do you lead innovation back on the job which is vital in the current market. It allows organizations to innovate & solve problems quickly around the needs of key stakeholders. This innovation methodology helps organizations to unlock hidden customer needs and build customer ideas into breakthrough solutions. It works for business to consumer, business to business and for nonprofits.